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Vibrant Blooms

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Product information
Looking for something bold and beautiful? Our Vibrant Blooms bouquet is a dazzling celebration of color. Bursting with cerise roses, vibrant germini, blood orange chrysanthemums, and rich orange and red roses, all complemented by seasonal foliage. Delivered in our signature Eflorist box for safe transit, this bouquet is designed to enchant from the moment it arrives. The flowers are sent in bud, ensuring lasting freshness, and with a splash of water and our included flower food, they will bloom spectacularly within two days. Brighten their day with this unique and affordable bouquet.
Please note, this product is delivered via courier, and will arrive between 09:00-21:00. Orders to Highland and AB postcodes may take two working days. For standard delivery, whilst we always endeavour to deliver your order on time, on rare occasions it may take up to 2 days to be delivered. If you would like guaranteed delivery please select the premium delivery option.

Please note all our deliveries are made between 09:00-21:00. This product is delivered via courier. For standard delivery while we always endeavour to deliver your order on time on rare occasions it may take upto 2 days to be delivered. If you would like guaranteed delivery please select the premium delivery option.