A bright and beautiful festive bouquet! This arrangement is filled with red spray carnations, orange blooms, chrysanthemum, hypericum, pinecones, spruce and seasonal foliage.
Please note all our deliveries are made between 09:00-21:00. Orders to Highland and AB postcodes may take two working days. Vase not included unless otherwise stated.
Florist design
Hand-delivered by a local florist
Add chocolates for extra luxury
Article number: DD23XMASFL02
Christmas Joy
Florist design
Hand-delivered by a local florist
Add chocolates for extra luxury
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2. Choose location of Recipient
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4. Delivery option
Luxury Greeting Card
A Vase
Box of Chocolates
Bramble Bear
Item 1 of 4
Product information
A bright and beautiful festive bouquet! This arrangement is filled with red spray carnations, orange blooms, chrysanthemum, hypericum, pinecones, spruce and seasonal foliage.
Please note all our deliveries are made between 09:00-21:00. Orders to Highland and AB postcodes may take two working days. Vase not included unless otherwise stated.